Thursday, July 10, 2003

Kobe's Gonna Be In Trouble

Unlike the mass media who seems to think Kobe Bryant must be innocent because of his outstanding character, I'm going to go on record as saying I think he is gonna get into some trouble for this sexual assault thing. It has come to light that both Kobe and the 19-year-old accuser went to the hospital the day of the incident to give DNA samples. Let me ask you, if you are the 19-year-old, and you were making up a story, there is no way you'd go so far as to let DNA be taken. You would have to know you are going to look stupid to all your friends and family...not to mention the world...if it comes out negative. Now just because it comes out positive doesn't mean Kobe assaulted her. It could have been completely consentual...but that's up to the courts to decide. Either way, if it's positive, there goes the squeaky clean image and probably half of everything he's got in the divorce settlement!