Thursday, October 07, 2004

Computer Chips in Drivers Licences

I had to post this story after my sister and I had a discussion yesterday about why RFID chip sare good (my take) and why they are bad (sissy's take). She can;t stand the thought of anyone tracking her spending habits or anything else (referring to a story about RFID chips in clithes and money). My take was better security for our country. She ought to just LOVE this one then...
Some federal and state government officials want to make state driver's licenses harder to counterfeit or steal, by adding computer chips that emit a radio signal bearing a license holder's unique, personal information.
In Virginia, where several of the 9/11 hijackers obtained driver's licenses, state legislators Wednesday will hear testimony about how radio frequency identification, or RFID, tags may prevent identity fraud and help thwart terrorists using falsified documents to move about the country.
Privacy advocates will argue that the radio tags will also make it easy for the government to spy on its citizens and exacerbate identity theft, one of the problems the technology is meant to relieve.